Deal Coin public Token Sale is now open!
Most of people think to begin the business, at least, such idea can arise at each person. All advantages of possession of own enterprise – absence of the chief, you work on yourself, flexible working hours which to you will allow to distribute the time during the day. But let’s be honest at each positive side, there are also negative. Despite all advantages, own business is an important, ambitious goal, on statistical data most the beginning companies, and business of the enterprises is closed at the initial stage of existence. Many nuances are present at this sphere your idea, giving of your business, its uniqueness, your independence, but the main problem is the initial capital in other words the financial cushion. In this situation the state goes on a meeting to initiative and to the people who have decided to subdue business «Olympus».
This type of business doesn’t demand special financial investments, providing at the same time a fast turn of investment resources and good dynamics of development. Business of such look gives the chance to introduce innovations and to solve a paramount problem with unemployment. Bank loans and financial aid of the state is the main resource of financing of these subjects of business. The full analysis of the current state of financing of small and medium business is carried out. The main problems of bank support of such types of business and the reason of their emergence are found. The main problem that causes limited interest in the market, the cost of borrowed funds and need of a guarantee of return of proceeds of credit. If to be honest, not everyone can resort to this help and get support of the state, on that is there are a lot of reasons. The blockchain technology and the Deal coin project will help you. The Deal coin project absolutely new view on sponsoring of small and average business, some kind of business the platform for the businessmen beginning business. The principle of this project and her team consists in application of the decentralized platform that allows to work with potential investors who are ready to support you and your idea fully. The best experts in the area will count and will estimate prospect, efficiency of the idea, and on the basis of it will make the decision of further cooperation. DealCoin gives the chance to help with fund raising, that which I have no access to traditional types of financing for the shortest time. You don’t need services of bank, in creation of accounts all this takes a lot of time and you sustain loss on payment of the commissions and collecting, there is enough smartphone, Internet and to be a user of the DealCoin platform. In a century when development of technologies grows in a geometrical progression the platform allows the ordinary client to raise the monetary state thanks to Deal. Growth of capitalization in this segment will lead to the direct growth of this cryptocurrency. The blockchain will give you a security guarantee, confidentiality and transparency of transaction.
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